Benefits of Having an Automated System to Handle Guests at the Office

Before the world had heard about the word automation, the desire to have a mechanized system in businesses and industries was for a long time a fantasy. In 1939, a robot called Electro was invented. It could talk, walk, count, handle unexpected events, fix performance problems, manage as well as schedule jobs. Many traded their valuables to acquire an Electro for themselves. The idea of having a helping hand for handling daily tasks was amusing. Unfortunately, Electro became irrelevant after the invention of computers in the 1960s. Today, automation has seen great improvements, with some machines replacing human beings and offering quality services and much more.


Businesses are increasingly turning to automated systems and software that assist in, for example, the handling of guests. Firms and different companies have embraced smart visitor management systems with the aim of revolutionizing and improving the guest experience. Visitor management systems not only make the receptionist’s work easier but also eliminate the need of keeping an inconsistent and often-forgotten visitors’ book.


Customers can be welcomed in a manner that the management desires. Customized communications allow the receptionist to interact with customers and build relationships. When it comes to social networking, automating social media posts saves on time and offers a great way to manage such tasks. These are just a few of the many applications of automation.


So, what benefits can a business accrue from the use of a smart visitor management system when handling guests at the office?


1. A smart visitor management system helps to reduce costs and contain related expenses. Today, cost of software use and ownership has been greatly reduced. It is hence affordable for small and big businesses.


2. It saves time at the reception. A receptionist can handle more clients in a day with the use of a smart visitor management system than when having to do everything by himself/herself.


3. Intelligent management. Using the system’s software, you can easily check types of visitors visiting your office, their presence and frequency within the building. Valuable analytics are also available with the help of filters.


4. Data storage and manipulation. The software has a past history feature, capable of storing visitors’ information for over 3 years. It also integrates seamlessly with your email server, eliminating the need for storing information on an unknown cloud and giving your IT guy some peace of mind.


5. Safety and security. Daily records make it easy for office and facility managers to manage lists of visitors accessing the building. Data is also stored in your private cloud or local network with protection features that ensure maximum security for your information.


6. Custom preferences. Get incredible features such as user permissions, manual addition of contacts, active directory integration, among others customized to suit your needs.


7. Increased performance. With improved systems to manage guest operations, a company will have higher employee performance and increased quality of services offered.


8. Accuracy. Once your automated system is programmed, chances of making mistakes while handling guests are extremely low. This makes it more reliable.


Automated systems have without a doubt made the operation of business activities smooth and efficient. However, before purchasing such a system for your office, it is important to check whether it’s in conjunction with your needs. This helps to avoid having a system that does not offer the needed assistance. If you haven’t installed an automated system for your office yet, please do so. The world is moving at a fast rate. Don’t get left behind.